A digital identity is the unique representation of an individual in digital space. It is composed of various attributes (e.g. name, date of birth, role, password, etc.). As individuals, we often provide such personal information to online services in order to use them, while websites and online services automatically collect other data (e.g., usage behaviour, interests, consumer habits, etc.). So, consciously or unconsciously, we leave data on the web.
Hidden behind these seemingly innocuous interactions are several challenges. Pupils, teachers and educational institutions make their personal data available to private providers who use it for their own purposes or even sell it to third parties. However, the data generated by online services can also be an opportunity for the education system. It can analyse data to assess its quality, help schools work more efficiently, and personalize and improve teaching and learning methods.
We address the challenge of multiple digital identities in education by providing a federation of identity services with Edulog. This approach allows the use of digital identities to be coordinated so that an trust space between identity services and service providers can be created and continuously expanded.
Easy and secure access to online services in school and education: Edulog aims to simplify and standardize access to online services in schools and classrooms for pupils, learners and staff of educational institutions. Edulog protects digital identities, guarantees secure access to online services and facilitates mobility in the Swiss education area. Edulog’s central infrastructure has been in operation since autumn 2020. Since then, cantons, municipalities, schools and service providers have had the opportunity to join Edulog. Edulog is an important measure in the digitization strategy of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK).
Model: The eID ecosystem in education
As part of a preliminary project for Edulog, the Bern University of Applied Sciences produced the report on the development of the eID ecosystem in education. The report provides an overview of current and future challenges.